The Kroontje Health Care Center at Warm Hearth Village received a perfect annual survey from the Virginia Department of Health in December. The survey covers skilled and long-term nursing offerings at the Village. A remarkable achievement as the state average is currently 11.7 deficiencies per survey.
KHCC Administrator, Andy Jones joined Warm Hearth Village in June of 2023. He said four surveyors spent three days inspecting all departments in the building. There were 200 possible deficiencies in emergency preparedness, wound care observations, med pass observations (resulted in 0% error rate), accurate MDS assessments, kitchen inspection and the cleanliness of the building. Inspectors also reviewed the infection prevention program and quality assurance program, met with many residents and family members and conducted meal observations and thorough chart reviews. “We continuously strive to provide the highest level of care. Survey results mirror my staff’s dedication this year and this achievement was made possible by the outstanding teamwork of all staff in all departments,” Jones said.
Mary Chiles, RN, RAC-CT, and President Chiles Healthcare Consulting, said a perfect score seldom happens. “I am aware of only one other deficiency-free survey this year,” she said. Health care residences at Warm Hearth are no stranger to the perfect survey but each time it happens it’s an affirmation to employees and the organization that our mission and standards align with expectations of our governing bodies and ultimately those we serve.