In March 2021, a group of energetic residents at Warm Hearth Village (WHV) came together to form The Timeless Tappers, a tap dance group for residents and employees led by Life Enrichment Director, Mardy Baker. Ages range from 56 to 89 and experience ranges from some Irish dance, a little tap, to never before had on tap shoes. Dancers came to class full of enthusiasm and worked hard, making enormous progress over several months. “After the long year of 2020, I felt we needed something to look forward to, something fun, something that we could share with the community that would bring smiles and a sense of hope,” Baker said.
The Tappers made their debut to a small audience on January 22 performing two numbers to When I’m Sixty-Four and Jailhouse Rock, The hit performance encouraged the tappers and they plan to add a few numbers and go on tour when the time is right to share the joy they have found.
Resident Debbie Koller said she started tapping in October 2021. “Another resident encouraged me to come and it looked like everyone was having fun so I joined in. It has been fun trying to connect my brain and feet,” Koller said. “This was our first performance and I think we were a bit nervous, but I think we did well and made the audience smile.