The ‘Show Them You Care’ campaign brought nearly 300 Warm Hearth Village employees together to support the Foundation’s annual fund effort to provide housing, healthcare and basic necessities to village seniors in need. The goal for this year’s campaign was 100% employee giving and for the first known time, we achieved this monumental task!
It was a fun and festive week where employees participated in raffle drawings for a rickshaw ride and dinner downtown, t-shirt sales, donut and ice cream purchases, payroll deduction pledges and several supervisors even chipped in to sponsor donations for employees in their departments. Intertwined in the fun were educational opportunities to learn about the ways residents and even employees benefit from the fundraising efforts of the Foundation.
“I’m proud to be a part of this important milestone for the Foundation and our residents. Our employees are second to none in their commitment to our residents and this is one more example of their outstanding dedication to them and our organization,” said William Lester, President and CEO of Warm Hearth Village.